10 June 2006

Where In the World?

We just came back from the annual homeschooling convention in Richmond. We did things a little differently this year. Usually, we farm the LightChildren out and make it an adults only weekend. We attend workshops and shop the vendor hall. Then we go out to dinner with friends who also homeschool and stay in a hotel and enjoy being adults. We have some favorite restaurants in Richmond. For instance, the Capital Ale House (at 7th and Main) is not to be missed. They have at least a zillion beers and the best burgers anywhere ever! If you think I'm exaggerating, the beer and the burgers alone are worth the drive.

This year, we took the LightChildren and bought a "shopping only" pass to the convention. We shopped til we dropped. The LC had a great time. They got to pick out some of the stuff they'll study next year. They got to meet some of the people who wrote their curriculum. And talk to some people who were unsure about curriculum they love. For instance, we use a writing curriculum that LightGirl loves and she was able to express that to a woman who was interested in it for her children. They both got to pick out some science kits. LightGirl got a solar powered K'Nex kit and LightBoy got an electronics circuit board kit. We got a field microscope. Most of all we got rejuvenated. We got a lot of books!!

I got to overhear a lot of conversations at the vendor booths as I was shopping. Some of them astonished me. After homeschooling for five years and 2 children, I guess I'm now a veteran. I have a lot to share with these up and coming moms. So I do when I'm asked. People ask questions of each other as they're standing looking at books. It's fun. But this conversation left me with my mouth agape, and thinking that perhaps these two needed some remedial help themselves before they schooled their children. I overheard this at a booth selling timeline aids.

Mom A: "You know ... I was just in a workshop and the leader said that the Second Temple and the First Olympics happened within a couple of years of one another, and I didn't even know they were in the same world."

Mom B: "WOW! I didn't know that either."

Vendor: "Look on the timeline at Stonehenge. Can you believe that Stonehenge was built before the Bible was written??!!!!"

Moms A&B: "NO WAY!!!"

Now, I know I'm somewhat of a history buff so perhaps I'm a little biased. But I just don't think it should come as such a shock to intelligent, educated people that these things are true. Maybe they didn't know it before (because, honestly, I didn't know the bit about Stonehenge), but it shouldn't be such an eyeopener. It should be more of an "oh, well, yes, that makes sense." It should just be another piece of the puzzle, not a grand epiphany. Especially not if you've undertaken the education of someone else. It scared me.

Then I started to realize just why so many people are critical of home education.


Blogger Liz said...

You know, sometimes I think about changing everything in my life and becoming a teacher. I would love to be in a classroom somewhere. And yet, I'm afraid to homeschool. Of course, in my case any thoughts of homeschooling are hypothical. But even if I could, I just don't feel smart enough. The irony of this just hit this evening... but I guess if you're a teacher in a school you have a whole administration to support you. If you have a student that is genius or learning disabled and somehow you miss it... there are other teachers and other folks that might catch it. But when your homeschooling... you're it. You're the only one and it all falls on your shoulders. I guess that's what makes the other mom's so scary... not only do they not realize that they're stupid, but they're not even worried that they might be too stupid to homeschool.

6/11/2006 11:14:00 PM  

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